omar Ismail omar elhasadi
Permanent Lecturer
Qualification: Doctorate
Academic rank: Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences - School of Basic Sciences
Harmonic Functions
Journal Articleعن الدوال التوافقية، لذلك قدمنا أوال أهه النظزيات املتعلقة بالدوال التوافقية،
وطزح فكزة املزافق التوافقي. وقدمنا أيضا مفووو جزين ومسألة ديزيشليى. وخلصنا إىل أن الدوال التوافقية
هلا العديد من التطبيقات ميكن استدداموا يف دراسة القزص وفوه مسألة ديزيشليى.
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, عبد الباسط الزبير, زينب احمد خليفه, (09-2022), جامعة الزيتونه: مجلة جامعة الزيتونة, 43 403-413
Exact Traveling Solutions to the Generalized Gardner Equation with Nonlinear Terms of Any Order in Plasma Physics.
Journal ArticleIn this paper, we apply the auxiliary equation method with the aid of symbolic
computer algebra system (CAS) such as Maple or Mathematica to construct
many new exact traveling wave solutions of a singularly perturbed generalized
Gardner equation with nonlinear terms of any order. Using a simple
transformation, this equation can be reduced to a nonlinear ordinary differential
equation (ODE). A comparison between our results and the well-known results
is given. Further, plotting 2D and 3D graphics of the exact solutions are shown.
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, Khaled A. E. Alurrfi, Bileid S. F. Aldaleem, A. E. Elmujahid, A.E.Abubaker, (05-2022), مجلة جامعة الجفارة للعلوم اإلنسانيةوالتطبيقية: مجلة جامعة الجفارة, 1 (1), 126-134
Conjugate Newton's Method for a Polynomial of degree m+1
Journal ArticleThe main problem of this paper is to conjugate the cubic equation to quadratic
equation by using Mӧbius transformation, so the work to finding the roots of
polynomials with Complex variable and double roots using Newton’s method will
be easier. Also we make some correction to the linear fractional transformation (or
Mobius transformation)
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, Mohammed Saleh Alsayd, Elhadi A. A. Maree, (01-2022), جامعة المرقب: مجلة التربوي, 20 569-584
2) Exact solutions for the GKdV–mKdV equation with higher-order nonlinear terms using the generalized (G'/G,1/G) -expansion method and the generalized Liénard equation.
Journal ArticleIn this article, we propose a new method to construct many new exact solutions with
parameters for the generalized KdV–mKdV (GKdV–mKdV) equation with higher-
order nonlinear terms. The proposed method is a generalization of the well-known( G′
G , 1
-expansion method in the case of the hyperbolic function solutions. Also, we
use a direct algebraic method based on the generalized Liénard equation to find other
diffrent new exact solutions of the above GKdV–mKdV equation. Soliton solutions,
periodic solutions, rational functions solutions, hyperbolic functions solutions and
symmetrical hyperbolic Lucas functions solutions are obtained. Comparing our new
results obtained in this article with the well-known results are given. The generalized( G′
G , 1
-expansion method presented in this article is straightforward, concise and it
can also be applied to other nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, Khaled A. E. Alurrfi, Ayad M. Shahoot, (08-2021), Ricerche di Matematica: Università degli Studi di Napoli, 2 (2021), 1-19
Conformal Mapping as a Tool in Solving Some Mathematical and Physical Problems
Journal ArticleThe aim of this modest study was to shed some light on one of
the useful tools of complex analysis, which is the method of conformal
mapping (Also called conformal transformation). Conformal
transformations are optimal for solving various physical and
engineering problems that are difficult to solve in their original form
and in the given domain. This work starts by introducing the meaning
of a ''Conformal Mapping'', then introducing its basic Properties. In the
second part, it deals with a set of various examples that explain the
behavior of these mappings and show how they map a given domain
from its original form into a simpler one. Some of these examples
mentioned in this study showed that conformal transformations could
be used to determine harmonic functions, that is, to solve Laplace's
equation in two dimensions, which is the equation that governs a variety
of physical phenomena such as the steady-state temperature distribution
in solids, electrostatics and inviscid and irrotational flow (potential
flow). Other mathematical problems are treated. All problems that are
dealt with in this work became easier to solve after using this technique.
In addition, they showed that the harmonicity of a function is preserved
under conformal maps and the forms of the boundary conditions change
Good starting points for iteration of Newton’s function.
Journal ArticleIn this paper we want to describe the algorithm to find all good starting points for
iteration of 𝑁𝑝(𝑧) to find all the roots of 𝑝(𝑧) by quick and easy way. So in this paper
we have proved that all critical points go to the roots under iteration of Newton’s
function then it will be the good starting points for iteration of 𝑁𝑝(𝑧) .
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, (12-2020), Al academia journal for Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS): Libyan Academy, 2 (2), 1-6
Koenig’s root-finding algorithms
Journal ArticleIn this paper, we first recall the definition of a family of Koenig’s root-
finding algorithms known as Koenig’s algorithms (𝐾,) for polynomials. In the whole
paper p has degree 𝑑 ≥ 2 with real coefficients and real (and simple) zeros 𝑥 , 1 ≤
𝑘 ≤ 𝑑 .
Now we want to discuss Koenig’s algorithms in details where
𝑛 = 4, (𝐾,ସ(𝑧)).
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, (01-2016), The Faculty of Science, Tanta University: Delta Journal of Science, 0 (37), 58-64
Simply Connectivty of Immediate Bsins of Newton’s Function.
Journal ArticleIn this paper we want to show that each immediate basin of fixed points of Newton’s
function for a real polynomial is simply connected.
Keywords: Newton’s function, Immediate basin, Simply connected.
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, (03-2010), الاكاديمية الليبية جنزور: Libyan Academy, 8 (4), 28-32